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Thank you everyone for supporting our Veterans with your donations and your time.  Join us on            Saturday,  November 23rd at noon for a Veteran’s Day/Thanksgiving Lunch with our veterans at Pear Place Housing.  Our menu will be sloppy joes, salads, and pies. We will be asking people to bring a salad.  This fellowship is so important to the vets who live at Pear Place.  It is the one thing that we hear time after time.  If you would like a ride, please let the office know.  Come be a part of that fellowship.

We will also be giving each of them food supplies to tide them through the end of November and into  December.  If you would like to help shop for the food, please let Kathy know.  We also         purchase a small amount of meat from Ray’s Meats to add to their boxes.  Come around 11:00 to box the food for the vets.  Stay to help deliver that food after the meal.